In this Issue:
A note from Kris Patterson, the Acting Chairman of the Baltimore-Washington section of the Society for Applied Spectrroscopy.
Our meeting for May. This will be
held at NIST and will be featuring the SAS National Tour Speaker, Dr. Susan
Plunkett. In addition to the late afternoon talk, there will be a tour of the
new chemistry building at NIST and plan to follow that with an optional dinner
at a local restaurant.
It is our hope that by reducing the number of meetings, reducing the cost and
by having meetings that end earlier we can meet the needs of the membership.
This also reduces that amount of work required to be an officer in the local
society. In order for this section of the Society to continue to exist, it is
necessary to have people that can volunteer time to serve as officers. The amount
of time required is not great and there are plenty of people who have served
as officers in the past that can offer advice and will help. Please contact
Mike Epstein or myself if you even think that you might be interested.
Kristine Patterson, Ph.D.
Meeting Announcements
MAY 9 - National SAS Tour Speaker
Dr. Susan Plunkett
Philip Morris USA Research Center, Richmond, VA
Multi-component analysis of Cigarette Combustion Gases Using a High Resolution Mid-Infrared Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer
A dual mid-infrared tunable diode laser system (IR-TDL) has been developed for the simultaneous detection of multiple gaseous components in cigarette smoke. The high spectral resolution (0.0006 cm-1) and rapid time response (20 Hz) of the TDL system are ideal for separating the absorptions from the multitude of gas phase components found in this matrix. The combustion products are sampled into either a 0.3 liter, 18 meter multiple pass absorption cell for time-resolved applications or into a 3.0 liter, 100 meter absorption cell for improved sensitivity. Two independent beam paths allow simultaneous detection in two wavelength regions; the first for ethylene and ammonia at ca. 965 cm-1 and the second for formaldehyde at ca. 2800 cm-1. A non-linear least squares procedure is used for on-line "fingerprint" fitting of up to four gases with each diode. We have observed as many as six gases (off-line) in a 0.3 cm-1 spectral range in the smoke matrix. Results demonstrating the instrument sensitivity and time response, and the complexity of the smoke matrix will be presented. New TDL applications, such as monitoring volatile reporter molecules in expired breath or in transdermal emissions as non-invasive bio-markers for early disease diagnosis will be discussed. Also new enabling technologies, such as quantum cascade lasers which operate near room temperature with a reliable spectral output as opposed to cryogenic semi-conductor-based lead-salt diode sources will be demonstrated.
Dr. Susan Plunkett received a B.S. in Chemistry and a B.A. in History
(magna cum laude) from the University of Richmond, Richmond, VA in 1989. She
performed graduate work at Duke University under the direction of Professor
Richard A. Palmer, developing and applying time-resolved step-scan FT-IR spectroscopy
to the study of the photodynamics of heme proteins and transition metal complexes.
Susan conducted postdoctoral research with Professor Mark Braiman in the Biochemistry
Department at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. She used step-scan
FTIR to study the photodynamics of the transmembrane chlorine pump halorhodopsin
and developed supported planar germanium waveguides for obtaining mid-IR evanescent-wave
absorption spectra from biomembranes of individual cells. In 1996 she joined
Philip Morris, USA Research Center in Richmond, VA developing infrared spectroscopic
methods to analyze cigarette smoke, particularly high resolution mid-infrared
tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy.
Date: Thursday May 9, 2002
Place: Room A202, Building 227 (Advanced Chemical Sciences Laboratory), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Md 20899
Time: Tour at 1:30 pm, talk at 3 pm.
Cost: None for the tour or talk. We will take the speaker to dinner after the talk and all are invited to join us at a local restaurant.
Reservations: Because of increased security at NIST (we are now a closed campus), ALL visitors must go through a security check at the main gate. I must have a list of all attendees by noon on Wednesday, May 8. If you plan to attend, you can contact me by email at or by phone at 301-975-8941. I will need your name, affiliation, and contact information. I will also arrange a tour of facilities for those who wish to come early, before the talk. More details shortly.
Directions: From northbound I-270 take Exit 10, Route 117 West, Clopper Road. Make sure you are on the auxillary access road as you near Gaithersburg rather than on the main 270, since the exit is difficult to make directly off 270. Go around the curve and get into the left lane. At the first light on Clopper Road, turn left onto the NIST grounds. As you near the guard house, turn right into the visitor parking lot and register at visitor security. If you have contacted me, they will have your name on the access list. When you leave the visitor parking lot, you will see the ACSL (Advanced Chemical Sciences Laboratory, Building 227) in front of you. Turn left and go around the curve and you will see the parking lot in front of the ACSL on your right. When you enter the building, go through the double set of doors and turn left, and take the elevator to the second floor, exit and turn right. Room A202 is immediately on your right. We will meet there at 1:30 pm for the tour. If you are not attending the tour, the seminar will be at 3 pm. We will decide on dinner plans after the talk.
From southbound I-270 take Exit 11, Route 124, Montgomery Village Avenue/Quince
Orchard Road. Bear right at the first light onto Route 124 West, Quince Orchard
Road. At the third light on Quince Orchard Road, turn left onto Route 117, West
Diamond Avenue. Turn right at the first light onto NIST grounds and continue
as above.
Your Baltimore-Washington Section Officers for 2001-2002:
Visit our local section sponsor WWW pages:
Spectral Dimensions, Inc. designs and manufactures chemical imaging instrumentation. It is a privately owned company with its principal office located in Olney, MD. The company was formed in response to an increasing demand for new and more powerful spectroscopic imaging technologies. Its product line encompasses systems for performing FT-IR, NIR, and Raman imaging in a variety of basic research and process control applications. For the next generation of FTIR, NIR, or Raman spectral imaging systems, contact us! Phone: (301) 260-0290 Fax: (301) 260-0292, Email:
The Perkin-Elmer Corporation - Analytical Instruments Division. Take a look and you will see more: The AA ANALYST systems have set a new standard for flame and furnace users, utilizing true STPF conditions and total automation. The State of the Art OPTIMA 3000 series systems having sold nearly 2000 units in less than four years, has become a staple for ICP-OES users. With simultaneous and sequential versatility, increased speed and the widest dynamic range for ICP. The industry leader ELAN 6000 ICP-MS system which is installed in more than 50% of all environmental laboratories using ICP-MS worldwide has continued to be a stellar performer. Each of these systems have set new standards for the Analytical World, and there is more to come. Northeast Region Sales and Service, Inorganic Division, 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859-0010, PH 800-762-4000, FAX 203-762-4222
Nicolet Corporation, US Eastern Regional Sales, 4410 Lottsford Vista Road,
Lanham, MD 20706. (800) 237-2800, Fax (301) 731-5761. Thermo Nicolet
is the industry leader in FT-IR, FT-NIR, dispersive Raman and FT-Raman
spectroscopy, IR microscopes, sampling accessories, software and spectral
libraries. Thermo Nicolet is a pioneer of new technologies and
innovative products that make analyses easier and more accurate. Thermo
Nicolet, an ISO-9001 certified business, has sales and services offices
worldwide to provide customers with the best solutions and support for their
analytical and research needs.
Your local Thermo Nicolet Representatives:
Mike Pannella - Technical Sales
Larry Ottolini - Technical Service
Tony Kobylski - Technical Service
Dr. Joe Schoppelrei - Research Applications Scientist
Dr. Ed Oliver - Applications Scientist
Mark Mabry - Applications Chemist
Elemental is the technological leader in elemental analysis. The IRIS
Advantage was the first and remains exclusively the best family
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imaging, forming the base of a range of application specific instruments.
The IRIS Advantage product family provides fast and accurate results across
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technology has been led by the PQ series of instruments that go back to 1984.
The latest, PQ ExCell, features the industry's
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technology (CCT) as an option or upgrade. The VG
Axiom is the answer for those requiring the power of magnetic sector
ICP-MS. It features a double focussing mass spectrometer and complete user-selectability
of resolving power even beyond 10,000-necessary for solving problematic interferences
on elements such as Se and As. The M Series
revolutionizes atomic absorption (AA) spectrometer design, employing a high
efficiency Echelle monochrometer and independent optics and supplies for unassisted
flame/furnace conversion. With Wizard-driven 32-bit programming, the M Series
becomes the world's most powerful and easiest-to-use AA spectrometers. Contact
info: Thermo Elemental, 27 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA 02038, Phone (508)
520 1880; (800) 229 4087, Fax (508) 528 2127; Website:;
Links to other local scientific organizations and conferences of interest:
Society of Washington, CSW, Local Section of the American Chemical Society
5th International
Conference on Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics Materials and Devices, September
8-11, 2002, Annapolis, Maryland
Past Issues of the Baltimore-Washington Section Newsletter (including Historical Events in Chemistry for those months)
April/May Historical Events in Chemistry and Spectroscopy by Leopold May, Department of Chemistry, Catholic University
Go to
the National SAS Home Page