Maryland SAS Picnic
July 9, 2000 at Patapsco State Park, Pavilion #501, McKeldin Area (Marriotsville Road) from Noon to Dusk
Baltimore-Washington SAS section members are cordially invited to a family picnic sponsored by the Maryland Section, American Chemical Society. The Section will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, soda, beer, condiments, paper goods, cups, utensils, etc. The McKeldin Area has a ball diamond, basketball court, volleyball court, hiking trails, horseshoe pits, wading stream and more. There will be a guided nature walk.
To make the picnic a special food fest, we are inviting participating families to bring a food dish. Please use the initials formula shown below:
A-F = snack
G-L = salad
M-R = side dish
S-Z = dessert
Cost: $15.00 per family; $7.50 per individual
Reservations: Please send checks, payable to Maryland Section, ACS, to: Dr. Shirish Shah, College of Notre Dame, 4701 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210 by June 25th. For late reservations, call 410-532-5712.
Entrace to the park is free for Seniors (62 and up) and for children under 16. There is a small fee for others.
Please bring your sports equipment.
to the Baltimore-Washington SAS Home Page
Page prepared by: Mike Epstein
Last Modified: March 1, 2000