Resources - Training Courses

A number of training courses dealing specifically with atomic absorption spectroscopy are offered by instrument companies and professional training organizations. Some of those courses and associated web links are shown below.

  1. Varian Instruments offers customer training seminars including "Techniques of Flame AA", "Techniques of Furnace AA", and "AA Troubleshooting and Maintenance." These two to three day courses range from $800 to $1200 and are scheduled throughout 1999. Other instrument companies may offer similar courses.
  2. The 1999 Eastern Analytical Symposium offers a 1-day short course titled "A Practical Guide to Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption".
  3. The 1999 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Meeting offers a 1-day short course titled "Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy", by W. Slavin and colleagues. The course covers the stabilized temperature platform furnace concept, interferences and background correction, matrix modifiers, choosing analytical parameters, method development, fast furnace and solid sampling, and maintenance and troubleshooting. It is aimed at those relatively new (<3-5 years experience) to graphite furnace AAS.
  4. The American Chemical Society offers a laboratory-lecture course on "Microwave Enhanced Sample Preparation: General and Environmental Applications" that is directly applicable to technicians who must prepared samples for analysis by AA.
  5. The American Society for Testing and Materials offers a course on "Statistics in Standards and Standards Development-Getting to Know Precision and Bias" that should be useful for chemical laboratory technician training.

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